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Disney의 OTT 3종의 가격을 $12.99 로 책정

페이지 정보

작성자 류재욱 작성일19-08-12 15:56 조회6,739회


Disney가 올 겨울 출시 예정인 Disney+ OTT ($6.99)​ 와 스포츠 전용 OTT인 ESPN, 방송 VOD 기반의 Hulu를 묶어 $12.99 에 서비스하기로 발표했다. 이 가격은 Netflix의 기본 요금제 가격과 동일한 것으로, 가격대비 콘텐츠 측면에서 큰 강점을 가질것으로 기대되고 있다.  



Disney’s upcoming streaming service Disney+ will be available as a $12.99 monthly bundle with ESPN+ and ad-supported Hulu.

That means the full Disney bundle (it owns ESPN and — thanks to the Fox acquisition — has a controlling stake in Hulu) will cost the same amount as Netflix’s standard U.S. plan. That’s also about $5 less than you’d pay every month if you signed up for each of the three separate subscriptions.

Disney CEO Bob Iger announced the pricing this afternoon as part of the company’s third-quarter earnings call, as reported in Axios and elsewhere.

Earlier this year, the company announced that Disney+ will cost $6.99 per month as a standalone subscription, and will launch on November 12. At the time, executives said they were “likely” to offer a bundle with ESPN+ and Hulu as well, but they didn’t provide any concrete plans or details.​  
